Donate online

Giving to the area of greatest need

To quickly proceed with a gift to WELS operating fund, for use where most needed, please use the form below. If you prefer to choose a different designation for your gift, use the menu to the right.

Have you set up a transactions account for our online donation system? By registering via the Login link, the personal information from your account profile will be auto-filled below.

If you need to make a gift on behalf of an organization, call 800-827-5482.

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* Required field

Gift amount
$ 25.00
$ 50.00
$ 100.00
$ 250.00
$ 500.00
Additional information
In this section you can set up a recurring gift, mark your gift anonymous, or indicate whether this will be a tribute gift from you alone or from you and your spouse. (For tributes, you'll provide more information at the bottom of this donation form.)
Type of gift:
Billing information
If using a form fill tool, note that it auto-fills the Tribute Honoree(s) full name field at the BOTTOM of this form, which you will need to CLEAR if no tribute gift is selected.
Payment information
If paying with credit card you must click the "Donate" button to proceed.
Tribute information
If you wish to honor someone special, provide their name below and select a tribute type. Use “Description” to identify the honoree’s city and state (or special occasion, e.g. “50th birthday”).